

Reliance® Solar Spray® Portable sun heated solar shower is great for camping, beach boating and emergency preparedness. Holds 5 gallons of water. The black polyethylene absorbs the sun and heats the water to nearly 100 degrees in about 2.1/2 hours enough for one shower. S-hook and cord supplied for easy hang up in most any location. Easy to operate, Leakproof, on/off valve. Collapsible for easy storage when not in use.

It’s an ideal product for camping, fishing, beach fun, sailing, or on your next hiking trip! An ultimate outdoor shower experience with Summer Shower! Absorbs energy from the sun to create a hot shower. A sun heated shower at the end of a long day outdoors is priceless. Our collapsible portable shower is compact enough to fit in your essential gear. Solar heated to deliver a spray to clean off the days dirt. Great packable sun shower to have available for all campers and hikers.

Portable Solar Spray® solar hot water shower delivers hot showers anywhere! Great performance & self-contained design. A portable solar heated sun shower provides a refreshing relief when camping, fishing, surfing, hiking, outdoor adventures, off-road, contruction work, expedtions, etc. Lightweight camping shower is heated by the sun to offer an outdoor shower anytime, anywhere!

Most campers, hikers and travelers enjoy hot showers wherever one is available, these portable, packable sun-heated solar showers are the best solution. Tree Hanging or handheld solar shower. If you plan to use cold river water or cold campsite water, just fill the sunshower and place it in the sun for a few hours for a refreshing sun-heated shower to remove the end of day outdoor grime.

Solar-engineered materials and construction absorbs sunrays Heats water to comfortable shower temperatures in a few hours exposure.

S” Hook and cord supplied for easy hang up
Easy to operate, leakproof, on/off valve
Thick hose prevents kinking
Large shower head provides maximum water flow
Black polyethylene absorbs the sun and heats water to nearly 100°F (37°C) in 2 1/2 hours

Large gallon capacity (20 liter) (enough for 2-3 showers)


A solar camping shower is a very simple device that allows you to have a hot shower at the end of the day. As long as there is a steady supply of sunshine, the bag (solar sun shower) containing the water will heat up.

This is more efficient when the air temperature is higher, since there will be less heat loss from the bag.

Sunlight strikes the surface of the bag (solar sun shower) containing the water. The surface will be matt (not shiny) so that as little light is reflected as possible. The Solar sun shower may be black or an absorbent material that lets most of the light be absorbed.

The light, once absorbed, is turned into heat and that heat is transferred to the water. This process will continue as long as sunlight is falling on the bag. Because water has a high specific heat value (meaning it stores a lot of heat per gram) it holds the heat well. This means that the water in the bag ( solar sun shower) will stay warm even after the sun has stopped shining on it.

This is a great way to harvest the sun’s energy without any pollution at all. It allows us to have the luxury of a warm shower even when we are miles from any powered water source and have no heating source other than a bright sunny day. Most of these portable solar heated showers can be rolled or folded to fix hikers backpacks or camping supply storage containers.

These portable sun-heated showers are not expensive to purchase and will always be available from our online emergency preparedness, camping and outdoor supplies store

Technical specifications